We work with after-tax portfolios, capital-preservation-focused endowments, liability-driven investors and the public sector. Our heritage lies in profit-for-members superannuation. We speak that language and we know those challenges. And, we are active in shaping and supporting that industry.
It is important to us to maintain an industry-leading client-to-consultant ratio and to work with our clients to bolster internal ideas and thinking. We are proud to have been ranked Australia’s leading asset consultant for Quality of Service seven years in a row, but we’re also proud that many of our clients have chosen to work with us for two decades or more. We think that is the clearest endorsement of the value Magnitude adds.
We work with a number of charities and foundations to develop investment strategies tailored around needs for income and capital growth, or preserving the value of their assets for the long term. After-tax considerations are also critical for many of our clients in this segment.
Magnitude’s long-standing presence in the Australian institutional adviser market, and our industry leading reputation around governance, risk management and client outcomes, offers our government clients confidence and security in the unconflicted advice and support for the management of funds they invest for their constituents.
Our team has vast experience working with both APRA-regulated and unregulated insurers. We have a number of qualified actuaries who help deliver advice for a range of insurance providers. We work with our clients to find solutions for asset liability matching and capital adequacy requirements.
Magnitude has many years of experience working with industry-based trusts providing long-service leave and redundancy benefits for employees. We help design unique strategies and portfolios to help maintain funding and stability through market cycles and challenges particular to each industry.
As a member-driven rather than shareholder-driven firm Magnitude understands the drivers for purpose-driven organisations. We support boards and investment committees by bringing expertise and rigour and by using our scale and experience to design an advisory approach that maximises net returns without leakage to product focussed advisers.
We work with private wealth advisers to provide institutional grade advice around governance, investment strategy and portfolio construction for a sector that serves many individual and smaller organisational and family investors. We work with appropriately motivated advisory firms to provide their clients with quality, research-based advice.
Our heritage lies in the profit-for-members superannuation movement and we’ve been advising Australia’s largest super funds since our foundation over twenty-five years ago. Magnitude is an integral part of the superannuation industry and has helped shape improved retirement outcomes for millions of Australian workers. Magnitude advocates on behalf of funds and their members with regulators and investment managers and we lead innovation in the sector, because it’s our sector. Most importantly, we continue to help our clients provide their members with investment outperformance and to find creative and differentiated solutions to industry challenges.
Magnitude has over a decade of experience of tailoring advice to Australian universities. We understand the unique nature of both the decision-making structures and the capital flows and requirements of university endowments. Our dedicated Responsible Investment Group helps power our advice around integrating ESG considerations into investment portfolios and managing the reporting requirements of this important discipline within portfolio construction.